
顾客不当行为对同属顾客负面情绪及满意度的影响研究 被引量:4

Influence of Customers' Misbehavior on Other Customers' Negative Emotion and Satisfaction in a Service Business
摘要 文章以顾客交互关系理论为依托,从顾客感知视角来探讨顾客不当行为对同属顾客负面情绪及满意度的影响,并引入关系质量、顾客心理资本进行调节。通过对餐饮、旅游、交通等服务行业的问卷调查,运用相关、回归等统计分析,得出结论:顾客不当行为对同属顾客的负面情绪及满意度均有显著影响,且顾客负面情绪具有部分中介作用;关系质量调节顾客不当行为与同属顾客负面情绪及满意度间的关系;心理资本对顾客不当行为与同属顾客负面情绪及满意度间的关系具有调节作用。 This paper examines the role that customers' misbehavior plays in other customers' negative e- motion and satisfaction based on the customer-to-customer interaction theory. The study also explores that relationship quality and psychological capital may function as potential moderators between the customer misbehavior and the other customers' negative emotion and satisfaction. The data were collected from scale questionnaire survey in catering, tourism, transport and so on. According to these objectives, the au- thors find that customer misbehavior has a positive effect on other customers' negative emotion, and a neg- ative effect on other customers' satisfaction. In addition, the negative emotion has a partial mediating effect. The results also indicate that relationship quality has a moderating effect between the customer mis- behavior and the other customers' negative emotion and satisfaction; this relationship is weaker for cus- tomers who possess higher level of relationship quality. Furthermore, the customers who perceive higher level of psychological capital show less negative emotion and more satisfaction.
作者 黄娟 李华敏
出处 《西安财经学院学报》 CSSCI 2014年第3期60-65,共6页 Journal of Xi’an University of Finance & Economics
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助科研项目(2010ZYGX006)
关键词 顾客不当行为 负面情绪 顾客满意度 心理资本 关系质量 customer misbehavior negative emotion customers satisfaction psychological capital rela-tionship quality
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