
动压润滑波形表面径向轴承性能分析 被引量:3

A Theoretical Analysis for Hydrodynamic Wave Journal Bearings
摘要 比较动压润滑波形表面径向轴承和圆轴承在静态性能方面的差别,研究波幅比和安装角对波形表面径向轴承静态性能的影响规律。数值计算结果表明,在大多数情况下,波形表面轴承的承载能力高于圆轴承,但是在某些波幅比和安装角下,会出现相反的情况;在总体趋势上,波形表面轴承的承载能力随着波幅比的增大而增大,但是当波幅比小于0.15时,此规律可能不再适用;安装角对波形表面轴承承载能力的影响较为复杂,而且在不同的波幅比和不同的偏心率下会有不同的表现,因此,在波形表面轴承的设计和使用中,需要对安装角加以特别的关注。 The comparison of the steady state characteristics between a hydrodynamic 3-wave journal bearing and a plain circular jour- nal bearing was presented. The influence of the wave amplitude ratio and the installation angle on the steady state characteristics of the wave journal bearing was analyzed. Numerical results show that, in most cases, the wave journal bearing has a larger load carrying capacity than the plain circular journal bearing, but the opposite situation may occur at some wave amplitude ratio and some installation angle. In gener- al, the load carrying capacity of the wave journal bearing is increased with the increase of the wave amplitude ratio, however, this rule may no longer apply when the wave amplitude ratio is less than O. 15. The installation angle has a quite complicated influence on the steady state characteristics of the wave journal bearing. Furthermore, the influence varies with the variety of the wave amplitude ratio and the ec- centricity ratio. Therefore, the installation angle must be considered carefully in the design and utilization of wave journal bearings.
出处 《润滑与密封》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期35-40,共6页 Lubrication Engineering
基金 国家科技重大专项项目(2013ZX04001081) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目
关键词 波形表面径向轴承 波幅比 安装角 wave journal bearing wave amplitude ratio installation angle
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