
日本核电产业的演进逻辑:基于制度理论的分析 被引量:10

The Development Logic of Japan's Nuclear Power Industry:from the Perspective of Institutional Theory
摘要 按照制度三大基本要素的功能和地位,战后日本核电产业的发展可分为三个阶段。以"规制性要素"为主导的第一阶段中,日本政府作为制度的垄断者,通过"强制性权力"把发展核电产业纳入了"合法化"的轨道。以"规范性要素"为主导的第二阶段中,作为利益复合体的"核能村"通过对核电优越性的广泛宣传,用"责任"、"安全"和"道义"的旗帜"绑架"了"反核"、"厌核"的"民意"。以"文化认知性要素"为主导的第三阶段中,日本多数"民意"是"弃核"、"厌核"和"恐核",然而日本对核电政策取向的"政治决策逻辑"并不会完全基于"民意逻辑"而得出,在能源安全架构中核电仍将占据一席之地。 From the perspective of three fundamental factors in institutional theory, the development of Japan~ nuclear industry in the post- war period consists of three historical stages. In the first stage, dominated by "regulative elements", Japanese government, as a systematic monopoly, brought the nuclear power industry into the track of legislation through the "compulsory power". In the second stage, dominated by "normative elements", Japanese "villages of nuclear power", as interest complex, promoted the advantages of nuclear power with discourse such as " responsibility ", "safety" and "morality" and kidnapping the anti- nuclear public opinion. In the third stage, dominated by " cultural cognitive elements", the majority of public opinion is referred as "abandoning nuclear power", " disgusting for nuclear power" and "fear of nuclear power". However, the political decision made by Japanese government is not completely based on public opinion. Nuclear power will still play an important role in Japanese energy security framework.
作者 尹晓亮
出处 《日本学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期106-121,共16页 Japanese Studies
基金 日本住友财团资助项目"中日核电发展模式与治理结构比较研究"(编号:138043)的阶段性成果
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