
滴灌春油菜水肥高效利用技术研究 被引量:2

Preliminary report of drip fertigation technology on rape in Qinghai
摘要 为滴灌条件下春油菜水肥耦合高效利用技术模式集成提供基础数据资料,在西宁市北郊川水地利用滴灌技术,采用"3414"肥料设计,进行春油菜水肥一体化试验研究。结果表明:在滴灌施肥量N为42~126 kg/hm2、P2O5为27.0~79.5 kg/hm2和K2O为27.0~79.5 kg/hm2时,油菜产量达到2 173.5~3 234.0 kg/hm2,N、P、K肥料效应函数为:Y=130.153 2+11.3421X1+16.659 2X2-7.559X3-0.648 2X21-0.234 6X22-0.641 2X23-2.750 6X1X2+2.498X1X3-0.491 4X2X3,(R=0.856)(Y=产量,X1=氮,X2=磷,X3=钾),根据此方程推荐滴灌油菜最佳施肥量为:N为74.2 kg/hm2、P2O5为65.0 kg/hm2、K2O为31.2 kg/hm2,最高产量可达2 863.6 kg/hm2。滴灌施肥与以往常规方法种植油菜相比,产量基本相当且具有减少化肥投入的效果。 Drip fertigation facilities and "3414"fertilizer design were applied in north Xining city to investigate effects of integrated management of water and fertilizer on spring rape. The preliminary result showed: under conditions of integrated water and fertilizer N42 ~ 126 kg / ha,BO227. 0 ~ 19. 5 kg / hm2,K2O 27. 0 ~ 79. 5kg / hm2,rapeseed yield reached 2 173. 5-3 234 kg/hm2,function between N, P,K fertilizer and yield was Y = 130. 153 2 + 11. 342 1X1+ 16. 659 2X2-7. 559X3-0. 648 2X2 1-0. 234 6X2 2-0. 641 2X2 3-2. 750 6X1X2+ 2. 498X1X3-0. 491 4X2X3,( R =0. 856)( Y = yield,X1= N, X2= P2O5,X3= K2O). The recommended fertilization was N 74. 2 kg / hm2、P2O565. 0 kg / hm2、K2O 31. 2 kg / hm2and the promising yield would reach 2 863. 6 kg / hm2. Compared with conventional cultivation of rapeseed,drip fertigation is equivalent in yield and more economical in fertilizer use.
出处 《青海大学学报(自然科学版)》 2014年第2期5-9,共5页 Journal of Qinghai University(Natural Science)
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费(201203012-4-5)资助
关键词 滴灌 水肥一体化 春油菜 drip irrigation integrated management of water and fertilizer spring rape
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