
高通量血液透析及高通量血液透析滤过对血脂代谢的影响 被引量:2

Effect of high flux hemodialysis and high flux hemodiafiltration on lipid metabolism in maintenance hemodialysis patients
摘要 目的观察高通量血液透析及高通量血液透析滤过对血脂代谢的影响,探索有益于改善维持性血液透析患者血脂代谢紊乱的血液透析模式,指导临床应用。方法将70名维持性血液透析1年以上,并且病情稳定的患者,随机分为高通量血液透析组(high flux hemodialysis,HFHD组)和高通量血液透析滤过组(high flux hemodiafiltration,HFHDF组),治疗6个月,检测两种血液透析模式应用前后血脂(TC、TG、LDL、VLDL、HDL)水平的变化。结果治疗6个月后,HFHDF组TC、TG、LDL、VLDL较治疗前均降低(P<0.05),HDL升高(P<0.05);HFHDF组TC、TG、LDL、VLDL较HFHD组降低,HDL较HFHD组升高(P<0.05)。结论高通量血液透析滤过较高通量血液透析更能有效改善维持性血液透析患者血脂代谢,具有临床推广意义。 Objective: To observe the effect of high flux hemodialysis and high flux hemodiafiltration on lipid metabolism in maintenance hemodialysis patients,and to explore the mode of hemodialysis for improving dyslipidemia in maintenance hemodialysis patients to guide clinical application. Methods: Seventy patients undergone hemodialysis at least one year in stabilization were randomly divided into two groups: high flux hemodialysis group and high flux hemodiafiltration group. The treatment lasted for 6 months. Blood lipid( TC,TG,LDL,VLDL and HDL) were examined before and after the treatment in the two groups. Results: After 6 months,the levels of TC,TG,LDL and VLDL of high flux hemodiafiltration group were significantly lower than before( P 0. 05),the level of HDL was significantly higher than before; Compared with high flux hemodialysis,the levels of TC,TG,LDL and VLDL were significantly lower( P 0. 05),the levels of HDL were significantly higher( P 0. 05). Conclusion: High flux hemodiafiltration is more effective than high flux hemodialysis in lipid metabolism in maintenance hemodialysis patients,which is valuable for clinical application.
出处 《泰山医学院学报》 CAS 2014年第3期188-190,共3页 Journal of Taishan Medical College
关键词 高通量血液透析 高通量血液透析滤过 血脂代谢 high flux hemodialysis high flux hemodiafiltration lipid metabolism
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