金川有色金属公司是中国较早试验研究和生产应用胶结充填料浆管道输送的采、选、冶联合企业。早在 1975年从浆体管道输送试验室发现了高浓度料浆的管道输送特性 ,并设计和建立了高浓度料浆重力管道输送充填生产系统。 80年代末期又开始试验研究新一代高浓度充填工艺———全尾砂膏体泵送系统 ,对多种物料组分的全尾砂膏体物料进行了管流特性和流变特性的测试与研究 ,为设计提供了依据 ,建成了新的尾砂胶结自流系统和泵送系统。本文重点介绍全尾砂膏体物料流变特性的检测方法 ,试验内容和取得的初步成果。
To reduce environmental pollution,improve stowing performance and make use of tailings in large quantities from ore dressing,lab tests to study flowing and rheologic characteristic of high density tailings slurry(paste like)in pipeline have been done.Based on test results,the design of self flowing and pumping system of high density tailings slurry to be transported through pipeline and used as material for cemented stowing can be accomplished.The paper describes in detatils the test procedures and the ways of how to measure out the flowing and rheologic characteristic of tailing slurry.
China Mining Magazine