最近几十年来。随着全球人口激增、资源过度开发、生物物种灭绝加速。全球环境问题越来越突出,环境生态问题已经成为全球共同关注的问题。与此相应产生了一系列与“生态学”相关的交叉性边缘学科。如文学生态学、社会生态学、城市生态学、文艺生态学等。语言生态学(又称生态语言学)在这种大背景下应运而生了。“语言生态”(Language Ecology)由美国斯坦福大学教授豪根(E.Haugen)于1970年在一次大会上提出,他将语言与周围环境之间的关系比作自然生态中动植物与环境之间的关系。20世纪80年代西方学者运用豪根生态学隐喻用法阐释语言问题,取得了一系列成果。随着1990年国际应用语言学协会(AILA)的召开,及英国著名语言学家韩礼德(Halliday)《意义的新途径》的出版,语言与生态关系的研究从此进入了一个新的阶段。
The Book of Language Ecology Introduction was published in People’s Publishing House in the year of 2013, which is the first language ecology book about the contemporary Chinese language reality. In the view of ecology, the author Mr Feng takes the interrelation between all languages and language-environment as a large ecology system. Centered on the ecology system, the author explained the relationship between the ecology system and language contact、language man、language policy、language attitude、language usage as well as the construction of ecology civilization. The author pay much attention to interdisciplinary research, which is the new tendency of the contemporary language research. As a knowledgeable and interesting language ecology book, this book has some characters as below:the establishment of theoretical framework on language ecology, related with reality, various theory methods and fresh flavor of times. Undoubtedly, it is an excellent language ecology book.
Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(Social Sciences Edition)