

Cases of resisters in China: the critique and recreate of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in the vision of Social Identity Theory
摘要 马斯洛需求层次理论自创建以来,在经济、管理、心理学等众多领域获得广泛认可,是解释人类动机的重要理论。然而,该理论并不是一副"万灵药",纵观古今历史,不难发现它对于许多特殊情况下(如:成为群体一员并产生认同)的个体动机无法合理解释。像抗日战争时期,众多家境宽裕的中国人放弃原本的良好生活而投入最低层次的生理和安全需求都难以满足的抗日队伍,这些案例似乎并不遵循马斯洛理论强调的只有低层次需求得到满足,个体才会追求更高层次需求的原则。本文旨在通过运用社会认同理论,构建更完善的需求层次理论模型。 Since its development , Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs has been widely accepted in different domains like business , management science , psychology, etc, which has been one of the most important theories to interpret people 's motivation. However , Maslow's theory is not a “panacea”, throughout history plenty exception of motivation in the context of individuals become group members and share identity with his/her group has been found .Some good examples are the cases in the Anti -Japanese War , some wealthy Chinese gave up their good life and joined the resisters'group living in a bad condition -could not well satisfy their physiological needs or safety needs .These cases sound weird with the explanation of Maslow's theory which emphasizes on the basic of the lower needs being satisfied , individuals would be motivated by higher needs .The aim of this article is to develop a suitable model in the vision of Social Identity Theory to interpret such kind of cases .
作者 郭泳君
出处 《湖北师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2014年第2期121-124,138,共5页 Journal of Hubei Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science)
关键词 马斯洛需求层次理论 社会认同理论 抗日战争 社会认同需求层次理论 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory Social Identity Theory Anti-Japanese War Social Identity-based Hier-archy of Needs Theory
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