20世纪 80年代以来 ,高等教育国际化出现了新的趋势 ,主要表现为国际交流朝着教育贸易方向发展 ,高校成为国际交流的主体 ,高等教育国际化步伐加快并向深层次发展。为此 ,我国必须转变观点 ,扩大高等教育对外贸易 ,营造良好环境 ,在世界范围内吸引高层次人才 ;同时还必须加强国际性课程的建设 。
Since 1980s, the internationalization of higher education has developed a new trend. International exchange in education turns into international trade in education. In this change, higher education has become the main channel. The internationalization of higher education quickens its speed and reaches its higher level. Therefore, China must change its attitude towards this matter and enlarge the size of higher education to make it a trade to other countries. We must create good condition to attract high level talents throughout the world. Meanwhile, we must set up more courses for international students and make a good assessment of these cources.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Higher Education Study Edition)