由“统包统分”到“自主择业”是大学生就业观的第一次转变 ,由“自主择业”到“自主创业”则是大学生就业观应有的第二次转变。作者在廓清创业概念和特性的前提下对两次转变进行了比较 ,对第二次转变的重要性和紧迫性进行了阐明 ,对实现第二次转变的可能性进行了分析 。
Chinese students had experienced the first change in the understanding of employment when they had the right to select their own job instead of being given one. Students are experiencing the second change from self selecting employment to self employment. The paper makes a comparative study between the two changes and explains the importance, necessity and feasibility of the second change. It also discusses the preparation student must have and the favourable condition our society must provide for self employment.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Higher Education Study Edition)