
护理学科学位硕士研究生培养模式的构建研究 被引量:5

Study on construction of training model of nursing graduate students with science degree
摘要 目的:进一步完善我国护理学科学位硕士研究生的培养模式。方法:选择26名护理教育及管理专家,采用德尔菲法(Delphi法)从培养模式中的培养目标、招生对象、学制年限、课程设置、实践能力、考核评价6个方面进行两轮问卷函询。结果:专家的积极性较高,两轮问卷的回复率分别为65%和100%。专家权威程度系数为0.88,可认为专家的权威程度较高。专家意见协调系数为0.531(P<0.05),协调系数具有显著性,说明专家意见协调性好,预测结果可取。结论:专家对护理学科学学位培养模式的6大方面及其二级指标意见达成一致,结论可靠,为明确我国护理学科学学位培养模式提供了参考依据。 Objective:In order to further perfect the master of science degree of nursing graduate education mode in China. Methods:Selected 26 nursing ed-ucation and management experts,using the Delphi method from the training mode,recruit students object,fixed number of year of the school system,curricu-lum,practice ability,evaluation of six aspects,on two rounds of questionnaire inquiry. Results:The expert′s enthusiasm high,two rounds of questionnaire re-sponse rates were 65% and 100% respectively. Experts degree coefficient was 0. 88,the authority of experts can be thought of high degree. Expert opinion coordination coefficient was 0. 531 (P〈0. 05),coordination coefficient was significant,the expert opinion coordination was good,desirable prediction re-sults. Conclusion:Experts on nursing science degree in six aspects of training mode and its secondary indexes reached agree,conclusion is reliable,which can provide reference for training mode of science degree of nursing graduate in China.
作者 颜莉 郑显兰
出处 《护理实践与研究》 2014年第4期4-7,共4页 Nursing Practice and Research
基金 重庆市研究生教育教学改革研究项目(40010200100153)
关键词 护理 研究生 科学学位 培养模式 Nursing Graduate student Science degree Training mode
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