
3-6年级英语学困生的认知干预研究 被引量:2

Cognitive Interventions in Primary School Students in Grades 3-6 with English Learning Difficulties
摘要 干预任务设计取材于基于"计划-注意-同时性加工-继时性加工"模型(即Pass理论)的阅读增强方案阅读促进方案,研究对3-6年级英语学困生进行为期6周和12周的认知干预。任务包括同时性加工任务(路径追踪、搭配设计、形状设计)和继时性加工干预任务(字母连线、图形连接、窗口序列),且每一任务包含普遍任务和过渡任务。结果显示为期12周的实验组英语成绩有显著提高,而为期6周的实验组与对照组学生英语前后测成绩差异不显著。说明基于PASS理论的认知干预对英语学困生英语成绩的提高有所助益。其中,为期12周的长期干预效果显著。 This study, by using the Pass Reading Enhancement Program (PREP) as an intervention task based on the PASS Theory of Intelligence (Planning, Attention, and Simultaneous and Successive Processing), aims to probe into 6-week and 12-week cognitive interventions in primary school students in Grades 3-6 with En- glish learning difficulties. The tasks include the simultaneous processing intervention, which contains tracking, collocation, and shape design, and the successive processing intervention, which contains letter matching, shape connection, and window sequence, and either of the tasks involves a general task and a transitional task. The re- sults show that the experimental group which received the 12-week interventions scores significantly higher than the experimental group which received the 6-week interventions. This indicates that the cognitive interventions ( especially the 12-week interventions)based on the PASS Theory of Intelligence help the students with English le- arning ditiqcttlties in their English learning.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期41-47,共7页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 新疆自治区普通高校人文社会科学重点研究基地新疆教师教育研究中心项目(项目编号:040512B01) 新疆维吾尔自治区高等学校科研计划项目(项目编号:XJEDU2011S33) 教育部社科研究基金青年基金项目(项目编号:11YJCZH103)资助
关键词 小学英语学困生 第二语言 PASS 阅读促进方案 认知干预 primary school students with English learning difficulties second language PASS PREP cognitive intervention
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