我们的英语教学一直受结构主义的影响 ,过分强调语言形式的习得 ,而忽视了语言形式的交际功能 ;过分强调用词准确 ,语句合乎语法规则 ,而忽视了在特定语境中的得体、合适。语用学告诉我们 ,语言知识的积累固然不可缺少 ,但它不是学习语言的最终目的 ,而获取语言知识也不能过分依赖书本而脱离了语言运用的环境。成功的英语教学法不仅要培养学生“造出一些意义正确、合乎语法规则的句子的技能”,还必须使学生“具有言语的得体性意识”
To counter the common phenomenon of using English unappropriately among the students, the authors in this essay mainly discuss the problems in English teaching and the reasons why students can't use English appropriately. At the end of this essay, the authors emphasize that we should strengthen the appropriateness training besides grammatical learning.
Journal of Yanbei Teachers College