中国古典园林总是尽量地融近自然 ,强调人文景观和自然景观的和谐统一 ,具有含蓄幽深的美 ,是一种自然风景式的风格 ,与西方规格图案式的园林风格截然不同 ,其根本原因是由东西方不同的文化心理和精神气质所决定的。中国古典园林具有深厚的传统文化的精髓 。
China’s classical gardens that possess implicit beauty always approach to blending with nature, especially, emphasise on harmonious integration of human and natural landscapes.China’s classical gardens have natural style, which is different from pattern style of western classical gardens.It is decided by the difference of the caltural psychology and spirit teperament between East and West.China’s classical garders are the precious wealth for educating youth.
Journal of Shenyang College of Education