在独生子女教育中 ,爱是不可缺少的 ,但父母的责任远不止是爱。离开了严格的家庭管教 ,爱不能自发地培养出具有自我教育能力、自我约束能力的孩子。家庭管教意义重大 ,但实施家庭管教并不意味着就是体罚 ,应该坚持几个基本的原则 。
You can’t imagine how parents will instruct their only one child without love,but love is not only parents’ responsibility.Without strict family discipline,love can not spontaneously cultivate children’s ability of self-education and self-control.Family discipline has significant function,but the practice of family discipline does not mean corporal punishment.Parents should insist on several basic principles and combine family discipline together with love.
Journal of Shenyang College of Education