FOR a tech entrepreneur and peace activist, Mawuna Koutonin has unlikely roots. The 40-year-old was born in a remote village in southeast Togo. and grew up to become the first of his father's 36 children to earn a university degree. In 1994, Koutonin traded his basic food allowance at university to pay for his first class in computers. The following year he and a group of friends opened one of Togo's first Internet news portals.
FOR a tech entrepreneur and peace activist, Mawuna Koutonin has unlikely roots. The 40-year-old was born in a remote village in southeast Togo. and grew up to become the first of his father's 36 children to earn a university degree. In 1994, Koutonin traded his basic food allowance at university to pay for his first class in computers. The following year he and a group of friends opened one of Togo's first Internet news portals.