
主流媒体对政府议程的宣传报道研究——以近30年《人民日报》头版塑造的农民个体形象为例 被引量:3

Research on Mainstream Media's Report of the Government Agenda—Taking the Individual Farmer Image Depicted by Renming Ribao for Nearly 30 Years as an Example
摘要 中国农民作为社会发展的重要推动力量,一直备受社会和媒体关注。以1979年1月1日至2008年12月31日《人民日报》头版农民个体形象报道为样本,笔者发现改革开放30多年来,《人民日报》作为宣传和解读农村政策的主流媒体,对农民个体形象塑造的密度,与国家对农村进行议程设置的强度正相关;以正面宣传为主,对农民个体形象的塑造总体上看以爱国奉献、勤劳智慧两种形象最为突出,但波动幅度也相对较大;所用体裁以消息为主,将普通农民置于报道主体位置。同时,《人民日报》关于农民个体形象的塑造也存在不足,主要体现在:过于强调政治性;过于强调正面宣传,一定程度上忽视农民弱势形象的实际;报道大多涉及公共领域,忽略农民生活中的私人领域。笔者提出主流媒体报道农民形象,应坚持正面宣传和传播正能量为主,但必须紧密结合农民的思想实际和生活实际;应主动服务好政府议程,但必须尊重农民在中国社会各阶层中的实际地位和诉求;应宣传农民在改革进程中的重要作用,但必须遵循新闻规律,做到政治性与新闻性的统一。 In China,farmers play a very important role in the development of the country,and have re-ceived a lot of attention from the society and media as such.Renmin Ribao,as the mainstream media of propa-gandizing and interpreting rural policies,has positively advocated the life of the Chinese farmers.Taking the in-dividual farmer image depicted by Renmin Ribao from January 1,1979 to December 31,2008 as examples,the authors find that for nearly 30 years after China′s reform and opening-up,the density of shaping the image of farmers in Renmin Ribao is positively correlated with the intensity of national agenda for rural settings.Chinese farmers have been prominently depicted as patriotically dedicated,industrious and full of wisdom.But some-times the reports go far beyond.The news content is mainly informative.The ordinary farmers are placed on the subject position of the report.At the meantime,there are still some limitations in shaping the farmer images in Renmin Ribao.Too much emphasis,for example,has been placed on the political nature of the news;too much positive propaganda have led to the failure to report the real weak images of the farmers to certain extent;too many reports treat the farmers as a group instead of as an individual.The authors therefore state that a main-stream media should depict the farmer images positively in its report which is closely connected with the real thought and life of the farmers,actively serve the government agenda,respect the farmer′s status and appeal and propagandize the importance of farmers in the process of China′s reform,abiding by the news law and unif-ying politics and journalism.
出处 《昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期94-102,共9页 Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 重庆市科委软科学研究项目"现代科技进步环境下传媒推动新农村建设和解决‘三农’问题对策研究"(CSTC 2006CE0049)阶段性成果 重庆市2013年度哲学社会科学重大委托研究项目"新媒体条件下农村公共文化服务体系建设研究"(2013ZDB35)阶段性成果
关键词 人民日报 农民个体形象 议程设置 宣传 新闻报道 Renmin Ribao individual farmer image agenda settings propaganda news report
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