
美国“南方文艺复兴”时期作品中的骑士精神探奥 被引量:5

On Chivalry in American Southern Renaissance
摘要 作为一种地域文学,美国"南方文艺复兴"时期的作品素以其鲜明浓郁的本土特色著称于世。然而,深入考查发现,其本土特质中却蕴蓄着丰厚的欧洲文化元素,尤以欧洲骑士精神最有代表性。聚焦"南方文艺复兴"时期作品所体现的欧洲骑士精神,探析其对欧洲骑士精神的吸纳与融汇,揭示骑士精神对该文学道德体系的筑基作用,为从异域因素探究本土文学特色的发生与成型提供一个新的研究范例。 As a kind of regional literature, the American Southern Renaissance has been renowned for its unique regional distinctiveness in the world literary history. However, the article finds the cultural elements from Europe entailed in its indigenousness, esp. the European chivalry. Focusing on European chivalry embodied in Southern Renaissance, it explores absorption and integration of the literary movement for European chivalry, revealing how the chivalry functions as a solid foundation in constructing the moral system of Southern Renaissance. By the research, the article aims to provide a new research example of investigating the genesis and shaping of indigenous literary features from the perspective of the exotic cultural factor.
作者 李学欣
出处 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第1期211-215,共5页 Journal of Central South University:Social Sciences
基金 2012年教育部人文社科研究规划基金项目"欧洲元素对美国‘南方文艺复兴’本土特征的建构"(12YJA752016)
关键词 美国“南方文艺复兴” 欧洲骑士精神 本土文学 异域文化 文学的外来影响 Southern Renaissance European chivalry indigenous literature exotic literature exotic influence of literature
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  • 10Cash,W.J.The Mind of the South.New York:Vintage,1941.



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