

Recent Situation in Northeast Asiaand ROK-China Relations
摘要 在东北亚复杂的局势下,2013年韩国总统朴槿惠成功地进行了对华国事访问,得到中方的高度重视。自1992年建交以来,韩中关系获得了令人瞩目的发展,两国构建了战略合作伙伴关系。尽管如此,近几年来,因缺乏相互信任和战略沟通,两国战略伙伴关系的实质效果遭到了质疑。在2013年6月27日,朴槿惠总统与习近平主席的首脑会议中,双方针对两国交流中存在的不足部分提出了诸多解决方案,本次会谈应该说是一次非常成功的会面。中国认为今后10年是实现中国梦的战略机会。韩国作为中等国家(Middle Power),也将通过与国际社会的合作,致力于韩半岛(朝鲜半岛——编者注,下同。)的和平与繁荣,积极促进基于信任的对外政策。在这种情况下,韩国和中国在安全及经济等多个领域的相互合作将持续扩大。 Under the complex situation in Northeast Asia,China seemed to attach great importance to the state visit of the Korean Presi-dent Park Geun-hye to China in June 2013.Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992,South Korea and China have maderemarkable development in their bilateral relations to become the strategic cooperative partners.Nevertheless,some people voiced theirdoubt on this strategic partnership due to the lack of mutual trust and strategic communication between the two countries last severalyears.In this regard,the summit meeting between President Park Geun-hye and President Xi Jinping in Beijing last June could be seenas a big success,as the two sides agreed on several measures to address these problems.China believes that the next decade is the stra-tegic opportunity to realize Chinese Dream.Also Korea,as a middle power country,will continue to promote the peace and prosperity onthe Korean peninsula and the region based on the Trustpolitik and cooperation with the international community.In this respect,SouthKorea and China are believed to be able to further develop their strategic cooperative partnership in the years ahead.
作者 辛正承
出处 《东北亚论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期3-10,共8页 Northeast Asia Forum
关键词 重返亚洲政策 日本右倾化 朝鲜核问题 朴槿惠总统访华 韩中战略性沟通 人文交流 核心利益 韩半岛和平统一 韩中经济合作 Pivot to Asia policy Japanese shift to far right North Korean nuclear issue Park Geun-hye's visit to China Korea-Chi-na strategic communication cultural exchanges the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula Korea-China economic cooperation
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