通过对"永林公司"不同森林经营模式下水源涵养功能的比较研究,结果表明:不同经营模式林冠层的水源涵养能力都大于灌草层,部分枯枝落叶层大于林冠层。其中,林冠层持水量最大的为采育结合模式,持水量高达16.7461t/hm2,封禁保护模式和生态功效模式林冠层持水量也较高,均在10t/hm2之上。相比之下,保育补植模式林冠层持水量最小,仅有1.8334 t/hm2;灌木层持水量最大的是块状利用模式,为5.4354t/hm2;最小的是采育结合模式,为0.1346 t/hm2。其他经营模式的持水量大小相差不大,在0.2-0.4 t/hm2之间;枯枝落叶层的生物量大致在5-17 t/hm2范围内,其中持水量最高的为改良增效模式,达到16.2668 t/hm2;其它依次为保育补植模式、封禁保护模式、间伐调整模式、生态功效模式、定向培育模式、集约经营模式、采育结合模式、块状利用模式;另外,各种经营模式土壤的贮水能力大小顺序为生态功效模式>改良增效模式>采育结合模式>集约经营模式>封禁保护模式>块状利用模式>定向培育模式>间伐调整模式>保育补植模式;各种经营模式中土壤渗透能力比较好的有间伐调整模式和采育结合模式,而改良增效模式、定向培育模式和集约经营模式的渗透能力比较差。
The water conservation function of different forest management mode were studied and compared,the result showed that:the ability of water conservation of the canopy of different operating modes were greater than the shrub and grass layer, part of the litter layer was greater than the canopy.Among them, the combination of cutting patterns had the largest water holding capacity of the canopy, it reached as high as 16.7461t/hm2,the water holding capacity of the canopy of block protection mode and ecological effects pattern were also high, both above 10t/hm2. In contrast, the replanting pattern had the smallest water holding capacity of canopy, only 1.8334 t/hm2; the block utilization patterns had the largest water holding capacity of the shrub, for 5.4354t/hm2,the smallest was the combination of cutting patterns, for 0.1346 t/hm2.Other management mode’s water capacity in size differ not quite, between the 0.2-0.4 t/hm2;The biomass of litter layer ranged from 5-17 t/hm2 , what had the maximum water holding capacity was the improved efficiency mode, it reached 16.2668 t/hm2; The other order of the water holding capacity was: replanting mode, block protection mode, adjust the pattern thinning, ecological efficiency mode, oriented training mode, intensive management mode, combination of cutting patterns, block utilization patterns; Moreover, the soil's water storage ability in each kind of management mode was in the order of ecological effects mode 〉 improved efficiency mode 〉 combination of cutting patterns 〉 intensive management mode 〉 block protection mode 〉 block utilization patterns 〉 orientation training mode 〉 thinning adjustment mode 〉 Conservation replanted mode; In various management mode, the soil infiltration ability of thinning adjustment mode and combination of cutting patterns were strong,then improved efficiency mode, orientation training mode and intensive management mode were weak.
East China Forest Management
Business model of forest
Water conservation function
Water holding capacity
Yong’anForestry Company