Objective:To analyze and discuss effects of quadruple therapy in treatment of peptic ulcer. Methods:192 cases ofpeptic ulcer combined with positive HP in our hospital from January 2012 to January 2013 were selected and treated with the quadrupletherapy for 14 days. Then, the effects and adverse reactions were statistically analyzed. Results: In the 112 cases with gastric ulcer, 96patients were cured, 12 cases were improved, 4 patients had no changes, and the clinical cure rate was 85. 7%. In 80 cases with duo-denal ulcer, 72 patients were cured, 8 patients were improved, 0 case had no changes, and the clinical cure rate was 90%. In the ad-verse reactions, there were four cases with mild symptoms of vomiting and nausea, which were eliminated in a short time by them-selves, and there were no serious adverse drug reactions. Conclusions: The quadruple therapy was used in the institute in the treatmentof peptic ulcer has a significant effect and mild adverse reactions. Therefore, it is worth being used in the clinical fields in future.
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health
Peptic ulcer
Clinical treatment
Quadruple therapy