
行动为基础的语言观及其对语言学习机制的诠释:一个有关语言习得、理解以及生成的理论 被引量:9

Action-based Language Theory and Its Interpretation on Language Learning Mechanism: A Theory for Language Acquisition,Comprehension and Production
摘要 具身认知语言学认为,感知动觉系统对于语言习得、理解以及生成作出了巨大的贡献。本文首先回顾了有关语言和行动之间的关系以及语言和动作之间连接的神经机理的最新研究成果;然后介绍了动作控制的认知模型如何解释语言现象,即神经网络的海扁学习(Hebbian Learning)能支持言语产出和行为控制之间的关联;最后,阐释了行动为基础的语言观如何诠释语言习得、语言理解和语言产出机制;针对外语教学与实践,文章建议从建立心理模拟入手,利用动觉系统指导心理模拟良性循环,并伴随手势语加强学习效果。 Embodied cognition claims the importance of perception and action to language acquisition, comprehen- sion and production. The paper first reviews the empirical evidence of the action-related account of language from the perspective of psycholinguistics and neuroscience, and then introduces a cognitive model to explain phenomenon, i. e. , Hebbian Learning principle could support the neuro-network association between language language pro- duction and action control. Finally, the paper proposes the action-based Language theory and discusses its interpre- tation for language mechanism of acquisition, comprehension and production. To address the issues in foreign lan- guage teaching and learning practices, the article proposes three adviees, i. e. , to establish the motor-centered mental simulation, to adopt the motor system to direct the mental simulation, and to use the gesture to enhance the language learning effect.
作者 官群
出处 《山东外语教学》 北大核心 2014年第2期39-46,共8页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
基金 国家社科基金(项目编号:13BYY070) 全国教育科学规划"十二五"教育部重点课题(项目编号:DBA120179) 冶金工程研究院基础理论研究基金(项目编号:YJ2012-019)的阶段性成果
关键词 具身认知 心理模拟 感知行动 习得 理解 生成 embodied cognition mental simulation perception and action acquisition comprehension produc-tion
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