
柴油机计算压缩比补偿容积处理方法研究 被引量:4

Compensation Volume for Compression Ratio in Diesel Engine
摘要 提出了3种柴油机计算压缩比补偿容积的处理方法,即余隙容积法、狭隙容积法(侧隙容积法I)和带填充容积的狭隙容积法(侧隙容积法II),并以KIVA3V程序为平台研究了不同补偿容积处理方法对计算结果的影响。研究结果表明,补偿容积不同处理方法对缸内平均压力、缸内平均温度、排放和流动的计算结果有很大影响。随着补偿容积表面积的增大,缸内平均压力、缸内平均温度和NO x排放值降低,Soot排放值升高。3种补偿容积处理方法中,只有侧隙容积法Ⅱ能较好地预测出缸内压力达到最大值后活塞环间隙内气体沿气缸壁面流出并形成涡旋的现象。 Three types of compensation volume were proposed for the compression ratio of diesel engine .They were clearance volume, crevice volume and crevice volume with reservoir .The influence of different types of compensation volume on the simula-tion results was investigated .The multi-dimensional CFD code KIVA3V, which incorporates various advanced sub -models, was used for the study .Simulation results were significantly different among the three types of compensation volume .As the sur-face of compensation volume was increased , the cylinder pressure , cylinder temperature and NO x emission were decreased , and soot emission was increased .Only in the crevice volume with reservoir , the out -flow of crevice and the induced vortex flow could be predicted .
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)》 CAS 2014年第2期180-184,共5页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Information & Management Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51276132) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2012-Ⅳ-062)
关键词 柴油机 计算压缩比 余隙容积 侧隙容积 diesel engine simulated compression ratio clearance volume crevice volume
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