

Job Searching Behavior Based on Endogenous Human Capital
摘要 通过研究公司提供非技术性或技术性的工资人力资本合同,风险中立的工人(低学历或高学历)寻找新工作机会下的工作搜寻问题,在允许人力资本累积、在职搜寻、失业冲击和退出冲击下,根据最优性原则,针对不同类别工人建立相应的工作搜寻模型并提出最优搜寻策略。证明了劳动力市场上各类工作的比例结构决定高学历工人是否会选择非技术性工作,并且得到工人人力资本的增长率是一内生变量的结论。 Job search problem was investigated , in which the job provided by the firms can be either unskilled or skilled while the workers differ in their education level which can be either low -educated or high-educated .By allowing accumulation of human capital, on-the-job, job destruction shock, and death shock, a job search model on different kinds of workers was established according to the optimal principle .And the optimal search strategy was proposed .The structure proportion of the jobs affects whether the high -educated workers will choose the unskilled jobs , and it also yields a new insight on the growth rate of the human capital which is an endogenous variable .
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)》 CAS 2014年第2期292-296,共5页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Information & Management Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71071106)
关键词 工作搜寻 人力资本 动态规划 合同 job search human capital dynamic programming contract
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