丹东供电公司新建的66 kV输电线路NY-300/40型液压钢芯铝绞线耐张接续管,接连出现拉力试验不合格现象。经分析与验算可知,按现行标准要求进行施工时,存在铝管压缩比不足、压接处导线钢芯与铝股间附着力不够等问题,导致钢芯在导线内滑动,形成钢芯与铝股间的受力不均,从而降低了导线样品总的综合拉断力。通过适当缩小钢模的尺寸或增加接续管的壁厚来增大压缩比,可满足接续管握着力要求。应修订部分导线连接施工工艺,以适应电力工业架空线路架设技术的发展要求。
LGJ-300/40 wire splicing sleeve used to 66 kV transmission lines is found unqualified in the tensile test. By the analysis and checking calculation, according to current standard, aluminum tube compression ratio is insufficient and the lack in adhesion be- tween the steel and aluminum. This causes the steel sliding in the wire and forms rally unbalance between the steel and aluminum. So reducing overall pulling strength of the wire samples. This paper demonstrates to increase the compression ratio to meet the require- ments of connecting tube holding force through appropriate reduction steel mold of size or increase the connecting tube wall. So the construction process of wries connection should be amended to adapt to the development of the electric power industry transmission lines.
Northeast Electric Power Technology
Transmission lines
Splicing sleeve
Compression ratio