

A Study on the Way of Teaching of Digital Natives
摘要 数字原生代来自英文Digital Natives,它是指出生在1980年后,从小有着数字文化和数字技术应用经历的一代人。现代数字技术已经彻底改变了当今教与学的方式,学习过程已经从教室转向了E—learning和M—learning,数字原生代正在使用新技术装备学习想学的知识,探索如何使用新装备去学习所需要的东西。为此,探索适应数码原生代的教学的方式以及新技术在教学中的新用途就成了当今教育工作者的首要任务。 The digital natives is an English word, it refers to the post 1980s generation with the digital culture and digital tech-nolagical application experience. Modem digital technology has thoroughly changed the way in todays teaching and learning, the process of learning has been shifted from the classroom to E - learning and M - learning, digital n-atives are using new technology and equipment to learn their desired kmowledge, exploring how to use the new e- quipment to learn what they want to know. Thus, exploring the way adapted to the teaching of digital natives and new functions of the new technology in teaching has become top priority in today's education workers.
作者 马拴莹
出处 《陕西工业职业技术学院学报》 2014年第1期62-64,共3页 Journal of Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute
关键词 数字原生代 教字文化 E—learning M—learning digital natives digital culture E - learning M - learning
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