
中英货物贸易中的隐含碳分析与探究 被引量:3

Analysis of Embodied CO_2 in China-UK Trade
摘要 文章以2004~2009年的中英货物贸易为例,运用投入产出法进行隐含碳和碳转移排放分析.结果显示:(1)中国一直是中英贸易中的碳净出口国,六年间累计出口隐含碳达到581.75百万吨。(2)中国对英国出口的隐含碳呈现先上升后下降的趋势,该趋势主要受出口规模和能耗强度影响;英国对中国出口的隐含碳呈上升态势.出口额的增加是其主要原因。(3)中英货物贸易对全球环境造成了负面影响。多排放44.38~84.89百万吨CO2,但这种负面影响逐年减小。(4)考虑碳转移排放,融入“消费排放”基准应该成为新气候公约改进的重要方向。 It is indispensable to calculate the embodied CO2 emissions and carbon transfer caused by trade when allocating the responsibility of reducing CO~ emissions. Taking China-UK trade data during 2004-2009 as an example, this paper introduces input-output method to analyze its embodied CO2 and transferred emission. The results indicate that, ( 1)China has always been the net exporter of embodied CO2. The accumulative total exports have reached 581.75 million tons for all the 6 years. (2)The embodied CO2 emissions in China-UK trade show a fall after the first rise trend. This trend is influenced by export volume and energy strength. And, due to the climbing trade volume, the CO2 emissions embodied in UK exports to China have increased steadily. (3)The bilateral trade has a negative impact on global environment. The additional CO2 emissions reach 44.38-84.89 million tons. But the negative impacts are decreasing year by year. (4)Considering the transferred emission, it becomes an important direction to adopt consumption emission standard during the new climate negotiation.
作者 许培源 王韬
出处 《国际经贸探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期16-28,共13页 International Economics and Trade Research
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-13-0794) 华侨大学哲学社会科学青年学者成长工程团队项目(12SKGC-QT10)
关键词 贸易隐含碳 碳转移排放 “消费排放”基准 投入产出法 embodied CO2 in trade transferred emission consumption emission standard input-output analysis
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