
中国收入不公平问题剖析 被引量:3

The Analysis of Income Inequality in China
摘要 由于当前制度不健全与既得利益集团的阻碍,中国的行业、城乡和区域收入不公平日益加剧,中国正在为收入不公平付出社会代价。只有通过超越现有收入分配政策和制度框架的顶层设计,进行增量改革,并保障财富分配制度改革与收入分配制度改革同步推进,才能破解中国收入不公平的"怪圈",实现国家的长治久安和经济社会可持续发展。 Because of imperfectness of present institution and impediment from vested inferest graups , industrial, urban-rural and regional income inequality in China has been aggravating day by day .China is paying its social price for the prob-lem.In order to break the “doubtful recycling” of income inequality , it is critical to adopt a top layer design that goes beyond the current income distribution policies and institutional framework , enhance the incremental reform , and keep the wealth dis-tribution reform synchronous with income distribution reform .Only in this way can we guarantee the country's long-term stabili-ty and sustainable socioeconomic development .
作者 张韬
出处 《财经论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期24-29,共6页 Collected Essays on Finance and Economics
关键词 收入 不公平 既得利益集团 顶层设计 income inequality vested interests the top layer design
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