"第二代民族政策转型"论者把少数民族的差异性存在视为影响中华"国族-国家"统一建构的消极因素,建议党和国家对少数民族要进行制度性的同化主义"整合"政策,这种源于200多年前的"同质化的国族-国家"(homogeneous nation-state)观,早已被历史发展所抛弃。国际社会对民族差异和文化多样性现在普遍持尊重差异、包容多样的"多元文化主义"(multiculturalism)和"交融文化主义"(interculturalism)理念,尽管其在实践中仍存在一些争议问题,但因其具有倡导民族人格平等的思想品质,具有主张保护弱势民族群体权益的高尚道义,具有化解同化主义和分离主义两极化对立的工具作用,现已成为绝大多数国家制定民族政策和文化政策的基本理念。我国现行的以民族区域自治制度为基础的各项民族政策,也是从这些基本理念出发制订的,虽说其实践过程尚有不尽如人意之处,需要根据民族问题的新情况进行发展和调整,但要说向同化主义方向"转型",则是逆当今时代潮流而动的思想行为。
The policy of institutional assimilation, originated in the concept of "homogeneous nation-state" some 200 years ago, was proposed recently by the advocates of "the second-generation ethnic-national policy" to the CPC and Chinese government. They argue that China should adopt the policy of integrating Chinese minorities because they regard the differences of minorities as the negative factors of building Chinese "nation-state". This view, however, has long been abandoned by the history. Although there still are some controversies and problems existing in practice, "multiculturalism" and "interculturalism", which advocate for the e^ality of all nationalities as well as for the protection of the rights of the disadvantaged minorities, and also can serve as instruments to resolve the problem of the polarization between assimilation and separatism, are already universally adopted by the international society as the foundation of their policy regarding minorities and their cultures. China's current ethnic-national policy, based on the "system of regional national autonomy", is also formulated in line with these notions, which show a respect for the differences and diversities among nationalities. Although there still remain something unsatisfactory in practice and the system should be adjusted according the new ethnic-national situations, it would be against the trend of contemporary era if China transformed its policies towards "assimilation".
Journal of World Peoples Studies