The Collaborative Inhibition refers to the phenomenon that, at the retrieval stage, individuals, when working together as a collaborative group, recall more than any one individual does working alone . However, a collaborative group recalls less than the polled, non - redundant answers of the same number of individuals working alone ( a nominal group). There have been a number of studies on this topic since it was found two decades ago. Researches have also given models to explain this effect. Psychologists suggest that the collaborative inhibition may be due to the cognitive factors such as retrieval strategy disruption or re- trieval inhibition. The present article makes a review of these studies, with special focus on the two models with the introduction and a- nalysis of recent studies in details. There were three experiments in this study. Experiment 1 had a 2× 2 × 2 three - factor mixed design, adopted a twice retrieval paradigm, by controlling the original organizational strategy in collaborative groups, to form the collaborative identical and divergent or- ganizational structure groups. Results suggested that within the collaborative identical organizational structure groups, the collaborative inhibition was present and the final individual recall performance was bad; while within the collaborative divergent organizational struc- ture groups, the collaborative inhibition was absent and the final individual recall performance was good. Experiment 2 also adopted a twice - retrieval paradigm, and controlled the study repetition to explore the collaborative recall per- formance in these two conditions: participants studied categorized word lists once or twice. Results showed that study repetition im- proved retrieval organization in recall in this experiment, this was consistent with the findings of Pereira -Pasarin & Rajaram (2011 ). Results also suggested that regardless the frequency of study (once or twice), the collaborative inhibition was eliminated in their final individual recall. Furthermore, experiment 3 used the hard materials, and found the similar results to experiment 2. This result supported the retrieval strategy disruption hypothesis. Participants disrupted each other's original organizational strategy in collaborative recall performance. And the result did not give a support to the conclusion that participants had been inhibited when hearing others' recall items. This is not identical with the retrieval inhibition hypothesis based on the explicit methods.
Journal of Psychological Science
collaborative inhibition, retrieval strategy disruption hypotheses, retrieval inhibition hypotheses, original organizational strategy, study repetition