
害羞者对模糊情境信息的解释偏向 被引量:7

Biased Interpretation of Ambiguous Information by Shy Individuals
摘要 以模糊情境句子和形容词为刺激材料,分别采用文本材料范式和改编的词汇情境联接范式,对害羞者的延时解释和即时解释偏向特点进行探讨。结果发现:害羞者对模糊情境信息不仅缺乏积极的即时解释偏向特点,而且也缺乏积极的延时解释偏向特点;害羞者未表现出消极的即时和延时解释偏向特点。研究表明害羞者可能是社交焦虑的前期阶段,对害羞者的干预可以通过引导其积极的解释偏向的方式来实现。 Social interaction is significant for sound development of personality and successful socialization of individuals. As a social cognitive phenomenon, shyness is closely related to social contexts. Clark and Wells proposed a cognitive model of social anxiety; and their thesis, that the negative interpretation bias plays an important role in the maintenance of the disorder, is widely supported by other studies. However, compared with the numerous research on the interpretation bias of social anxiety and depression in the past few dec- ades, research on shyness in the field of psychology seems very weak. In this study, we aim to explore whether the shy have this kind of bias. Moreover, we try to distinguish the online interpretation bias and the offline ones. In Experiment 1, the text material paradigm was used to explore the shy group's off - line interpretation bias when faced with the ambiguous situational information. A sample of 60 shy individuals and 61 non - shy individuals participated in the experiment as sub- jects. They were asked to assess the possibility of interpretations from 1 -5 after the ambiguous situational information was given. The two interpretations are of one positive and one negative. The assessments of the subjects were recorded. The SPSS 16.0 was used to ana- lyze the data. In Experiment 2, the modified word sentence association paradigm was used to explore the shy group's on - line interpre- tation bias of the ambiguous situational information. A sample of 45 shy and 42 non - shy individuals went in for the experiment. Partic- ipants reacted to the words after the ambiguous situational information was given. They were required to distinguish whether the word given was approving or derogatory. Their RT to give the judgments was recorded. Moreover, the baseline RT was also measured. The baseline RT was the time they reacted to the word after a blank screen. It was shown by a t test that the difference between groups was found on positive interpretation in Experiment 1. When referring to the negative interpretation, the difference is not significant. Further analysis showed the shy people had no offiine positive interpretation bias; moreover, they did not show more offiine negative interpreta- tions bias compared with the non - shy people. In Experiment 2, we first subtracted the RT and the baseline RT to get the ART. We found that there was no difference between the ART to the negative words of the shy and the non - shy people. Towards the positive words, the effect was significant. Further comparison showed that the ART of the non - shy people was smaller than the shy people. The results of the two experiments showed : ( 1 ) the shy people lacked both online and offline positive interpretation bias to the am- biguous situational information. (2) The shy people had neither offline nor online negative interpretation bias to the ambiguous situa- tional information.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期700-703,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 全国教育科学规划教育部重点课题(DEA130242) 宁波大学人文社会科学培育项目(XPYB13005)的资助
关键词 害羞者 模糊情境信息 延时解释 即时解释 shyness, ambiguous situational information, offline interpretation bias, online interpretation bias
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