
管理要素联动效应与中央企业管理提升——基于管理系统网络特征的跨层比较分析 被引量:13

Interative Effects among Managerial Elements and Management Promotion of SOEs——A Multi-level Research Based on Management System's Network Attributes
摘要 管理提升是增强大中型企业核心竞争力的一项重要变革,其推进过程必须注重"系统性、整体性和协同性"。本文响应"设计科学研究"的呼吁,以培育世界一流企业所应具备的13个管理要素为网络节点,对中央企业组织域及域内特定企业管理要素体系的网络结构特征进行定性比较分析。研究发现,与麦肯锡7-S模型主张的全方位关联式不同,管理系统各要素呈现出地位不均等的核心—边缘结构特性;各要素在内向及外向联结关系中具有不同的中心性,因而在整个网络的资源流动中扮演不同的角色;管理系统整体网络结构及要素所处结构位置会对要素水平有重要影响。将管理要素间联结关系及组织域对应要素水平结合的定性比较分析显示,源自管理系统内部的要素联动效应强于组织域与域内特定组织间的纵向关联效应,表明要素关联说比制度同构说更具解释力。实践中变革主体需根据各要素在整个管理体系中的网络结构位置及其现有水平来设计相应的对策。本文为大中型企业在重点突破与整体推进相结合中全面提升管理水平提供指导,并使管理系统复杂性研究得以深化和发展。 One of the key tasks in enhancing large and medium enterprises' core competence is improving their management, which requires systematic, integrated and synergetic practices. Heeding the call for design science research, the paper takes the thirteen managerial elements proposed by SASAC as nodes of network and quantifies their structural characteristics by SNA, and then applies QCA to analyze their effects on managerial capabilities both in the context of organizational field and specific enterprise. Different from the cohesive structure which is proposed by the MeKinsey's 7S mode, managerial elements are found to be unequally connected, resulting in a core-peripheral structure. Combining the managerial network characteristics in specific organization with the institutional influence from situated organizational field in QCA, the former tends to play a more important role than the latter in determining their levels of managerial capability. These results demonstrate that, compared with institutional isomorphism perspective network connection perspective enjoys more explanatory power, and thus reform policies aiming to management promotion should be designed in accordance with each element's current level and structural position in the hierarchically connected network. This study provides practical guidance for raising large and medium enterprises' management capabilities, which emphasizes overall enhancement paralleled with breakthroughs in key elements, and deepens complexity research on management systems.
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期135-147,共13页 China Industrial Economics
基金 中国人民大学科学研究项目重大基础研究计划"大型企业组织体制转型及路径创造研究"(批准号13XNL004)
关键词 管理提升 联动改革 网络结构 定性比较分析 组织域 managerial promotion joint reform network structure qualitive comparative analysis (QCA) organizational field
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