Greensmith根据树突状细胞机理设计实现了树突状细胞算法DCA(Dendritic Cell Algorithm),并将其用于入侵检测系统中。实验结果表明,该算法具有较高的效率,并得到了广泛的应用。本文对DCA算法进行了描述并简要介绍了其在僵尸网络检测中的应用,具有实际意义。
According to the mechanism of dendritic cells , Greensmith has designed to achieve a dendritic cell algorithm for the intrusion detection system . Experimental results show that the algorithm has higher efficiency , and has be widely used . This paper describes the DCA algorithm and briefly depicts its application in brief botnet detection , and it is considered to have practical sig-nificance .
Microcomputer & Its Applications