
石化企业挥发性有机化合物泄漏排放量评估方法 被引量:7

Brief Introduction into Assessment Method for VOC Leakage and Emission of Petrochemical Enterprises
摘要 介绍了石化企业生产过程中的泄漏排放源以及在开展泄漏检测与修复(LDAR)的工作中,对挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)的泄漏排放量进行估算的多种方法,结合石化生产装置泄漏排放量估算实例给出了较为常用的两种美国环保署关于石化企业VOCs泄漏排放量的估算模型。 This paper introduces many methods for es- timating leakage and emission of VOCs during leak- age and emission source and LDAR in the process of manufacturing of petrochemical enterprises and also gives out the two common estimation models of EPA concerningVOCs LDAR of petrochemical enterprises by combining the estimation case of LDAR of petro- chemical production equipments.
出处 《安全、健康和环境》 2014年第4期5-8,共4页 Safety Health & Environment
关键词 挥发性有机化合物(VOCs) 泄漏排放 评估 VOCs leakage and emission assessment
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