
云计算监控研究综述 被引量:2

Review on Cloud Computing Monitoring
摘要 云系统多种多样的实现技术使得云的经营和管理越来越复杂,因此需要准确、精细的监控措施经营、管理日益复杂的云系统。文章从云计算的功能出发,分析其对监控的需求,重点对资源监控、SLA监控、能耗监控与安全监控四个方面的关键监控技术进行深入的分析和讨论,最后指明云计算监控研究的重要方向:多角度监控、通用标准化监控、多层次监控。 The variety of cloud implementation technique makes its operation and management more complex. So it isrequired to use monitoring measures to accurately and precisely operate and manage increasingly complex cloud systems.This paper first presents the cloud computing features, then analyzes the needs of the cloud monitoring, focuses onresource monitoring, SLA monitoring, energy monitoring and security surveillance monitoring in depth. Finally, we identifyseveral important directions for further research comprehensive and multiple perspectives cloud monitoring, universalstandardized cloud monitoring, cloud monitoring across multiple service layers.
作者 李君
出处 《信息通信技术》 2014年第1期25-29,共5页 Information and communications Technologies
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.61272116) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2012-IV-043)
关键词 云监控 资源监控 SLA监控 能耗监控 安全监控 Cloud Monitoring Resource Monitoring SLA Monitoring Energy Consumption Monitoring Security Monitoring
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