北美页岩油气的商业开发已引起全球各国的高度关注,中国能源企业也将目光投向海外市场,因此,及时掌握海外页岩油气区块地质特征及资源潜力意义重大。对于资料不够丰富、要求快速评价出勘探有利区的海外页岩油气区块来讲,页岩的资源条件和开采条件是最基础的评价内容。对北美X地区TMS(Tuscaloosa Marine Shale)页岩油资源条件和开采条件分析表明,TMS页岩具有页岩厚度大、有机碳含量高、有机质处于生油高峰阶段、页岩埋深和黏土矿物含量适中、页岩储层顶底板保存条件较好等特点,具有很好的页岩油勘探潜力。利用多层次模糊综合评判法优选TMS页岩油有利区,其勘探选区可分为5类,Ⅰ类区综合评价系数大于0.75,为极有利区,主要分布在研究区的中部;25个地理区块中,V区块页岩油勘探潜力最大,P1区块页岩油勘探潜力丰度最高。
Commercial development of shale oil and gas in North America has drawn great attention from the world. China's energy companies also eye overseas shale oil and gas market. Therefore, it is of great importance to learning the geological characteristics and resources potential of overseas shale oil and gas blocks. The shale oil and gas reserves and production conditions are the basic contents for assessment if overseas blocks in the favorable exploration zone are brought under rapid appraisal without enough related data. The analysis of TMS (Tuscaloosa Marine Shale) shale oil resources in X area of North America indicates that TMS shale has a number of characteristics, such as large thickness of shale rock, high content of organic carbon, organic matter under the sourcing peak stage, appropriate buried depth of shale rock, appropriate content of clay minerals, the top and bottom of shale reservoir kept desirably, and a great exploration potential for shale oil. Using the multi-layered fuzzy judgment method, the favorable shale oil exploration area can be divided into five types. The first-class area, with the comprehensive evaluation factor higher than 0.75, is the most favorable zone, which is distributed mainly in the central part of the study region. Of the 25 small geographic blocks, Block V is the most potential block for shale oil exploration. The P1 block is the highest in potential abundance for shale oil exploration.
China Petroleum Exploration
North America, TMS shale, shale oil, shale gas, geological evaluation, prediction of favorable area