
Evolution of forest cover in Portugal: A review of the 12th–20th centuries

Evolution of forest cover in Portugal: A review of the 12th–20th centuries
摘要 Portugal's forests in the 12th century were dominated by the Fagaceae represented by Quercus and Castanea, and several pine species From the 12th century onwards, forests underwent changes in their management starting with protection and ultimately leading to intense exploitation. The massive naval construction during the maritime expansion (mainly in the 15th-16th centuries) involved felling of approximately 5 million trees mainly Quercus suber, Pinus pinea and other Quercus species. Cumulative fuel-wood consumption of 959 Mm3 during 1300-1854 was attributed to demographic expansion while the deforestation rate during 1636-1854 accounted for a minimum of 72.6% and a maximum of 96% of total forest cover. The volume of timber used in railway sleepers from 1856 onwards might have reached 0.5 Mm3. The last quarter of the 20th century increased the forest cover of Portugal through the World Bank program of Eucalyptus globulus reforestation. Portugal's forests in the 12th century were dominated by the Fagaceae represented by Quercus and Castanea, and several pine species From the 12th century onwards, forests underwent changes in their management starting with protection and ultimately leading to intense exploitation. The massive naval construction during the maritime expansion (mainly in the 15th-16th centuries) involved felling of approximately 5 million trees mainly Quercus suber, Pinus pinea and other Quercus species. Cumulative fuel-wood consumption of 959 Mm3 during 1300-1854 was attributed to demographic expansion while the deforestation rate during 1636-1854 accounted for a minimum of 72.6% and a maximum of 96% of total forest cover. The volume of timber used in railway sleepers from 1856 onwards might have reached 0.5 Mm3. The last quarter of the 20th century increased the forest cover of Portugal through the World Bank program of Eucalyptus globulus reforestation.
出处 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期249-256,共8页 林业研究(英文版)
关键词 forest cover change forest exploitation forest economics Portugal. forest cover change, forest exploitation, forest economics Portugal.
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