
320排动态容积CT颅内动脉瘤图像重建算法进展和评估 被引量:1

Developments and Evaluated for Intracranial Aneurysm Imaging Reconstruction Algorithms by 320 Slice Dynamic Volume CT
摘要 320排动态容积CT脑血管数字减影(DSA)可为颅内动脉瘤病人提供4D DSA成像信息,这一技术的关键是宽体检测器和ConeXact锥束重建算法。本文对目前常见锥束扫描重建算法进行了分析和比较,特别是近几年发展起来的Feldkamp类,Grangeant类,Katsevich类和ConeXact锥束重建算法。应用方面对30例颅内动脉瘤患者进行了宽探测器平台下动态容积扫描,一次成像获得满意图像,无阶梯伪影,并与计算机断层血管造影(CTA)、常规DSA对比,320排CT DSA检查可作为颅内动脉瘤筛选和术后复查一种方法,与CTA相比320排CT动态容积成像和功能成像有明显的优势。 320 slice dynamic volume CT provides intracranial aneurysm patience with 4D DSA imaging. The key of the technology is wide detection platform and ConeXact cone-beam reconstruction algorithm. In this thesis, some familiar cone-beam scan reconstruction algorithms are analyzed and compared, especially those algorithms which are currently developed such as Feldkamp-lype, Grangeant, Katsevich and ConeXact cone-beam reconstruction algorithm. In application aspect, 30 aneurysm patients have been through the dynamic volume scan with wide detection platform by TOSHIBA 320 slice CT. Good single-pass imaging results for 30 patients were obtained and all images had no phase artifacts. The quality of the scanning images was evaluated and compared between 320 slice CT and convention cerebral vascular DSA angiography had been done. 320 slice CT which is of a great value to diagnosing and treating intracranial aneurysm which may be used to screen out patient with susceptible intracranial aneurysm and the re-examination after the surgery the following up in the patient with aneurysm. 320 slice CT has great advantages in dynamic volume imaging and function when compared with CTA.
作者 曹华 曹家义
出处 《CT理论与应用研究(中英文)》 2014年第2期329-335,共7页 Computerized Tomography Theory and Applications
基金 华中科技大学自主创新基金(18921003)
关键词 动态容积 螺旋锥束CT 颅内动脉瘤 图像评估 宽体探测器 dynamic volume helical cone-beam CT intracranial aneurysm image evaluation wide detectionplatform
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