
基于角色的作战资源组织粒度结构建模及编码 被引量:1

A Role-based Encoding Approach for Operational Resources with Granularity Structure Modeling
摘要 为探索信息化条件下作战资源柔性组织模式,引入角色相关概念以规范化作战资源信息管理。通过提取作战资源组织的分层粒度结构模型,分析作战资源的自身关联属性,并以此为基础,提出面向作战实体元数据的作战角色编码过程。通过案例验证表明:该方法可有效实现物理实体的信息规范化和表达方式的柔性统一,且有利于信息对象的动态扩展和上下层标准兼容,为网络中心环境下作战资源柔性组织设计与建模提供基础支撑。 In order to explore the flexible organizational pattern of operational resources under information conditions, role concepts are introduced for standardizing the management of the operational resources in- process of operational role encolding suited to the operational substance cell data based on the above men- tioned. The case application is validates that the approach proposed in the paper can confirm the flexible u- nification between expression and information standardization for physical entities, and it is easy to realize dynamical extending and compatible criterion within different layers, which provides a basic support in de- signing and modeling flexible organization for operational resources.
出处 《空军工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期24-28,共5页 Journal of Air Force Engineering University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61272011)
关键词 角色 作战资源 柔性组织 粒度结构 编码 role operational resources flexible organization granularity structure encode
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