
网络攻击中国家责任的判别标准 被引量:4

The Discriminant Test of State Responsibility in Cyber Attack
摘要 网络攻击是一个极其复杂的热门话题,在互联网非中心化的结构中,确定发动网络攻击的个人与国家之间的关系,系确定网络攻击引发的国家责任的关键。关于这种归因性问题,主要有国际法院主导的有效控制标准和前南国际刑事法庭主导的一般控制标准之争。然而,二者的争论仅仅是一般意义上的探讨,具体适用于网络攻击违反国际人道法的行为,会发现二者都存在难以逾越的技术性障碍。另一种思路是,从谨慎注意义务的角度入手,追究国家不作为的责任。 Cyber attack is a hot -debated and extremely complicated issue to date .To detect and identify the relationship between the individual launching the attack and the alleged wrongful state , is pivotal for imputing re-sponsibility to the state , in the contemporary context of a decentralized network system .As for the attributability , there is competition of the effective control test vis -a-vis overall control test .The International Court of Justice initiated the former , while the latter endorsed by the jurisprudence of International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia.The debate is, however, of significance on the level where general international law goes .It is clear that insurmountable technical impediments do exist when we discuss their application in the milieu of cyber attack . Hence here comes a third way , namely to concentrate the duty of due diligence and to attribute responsibility to states for their omissions .
作者 冷新宇
出处 《西安政治学院学报》 2014年第2期97-101,120,共6页 Journal of Xi'an Politics Institute
基金 于志刚教授主持教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目<信息时代网络法律体系的整体建构研究>(课题编号:12JZD039)部分研究的成果
关键词 网络攻击 国家责任 可归因性 Cyber Attack State Responsibility Attributability
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  • 1ILC Draft Articles on State Responsibility for Internationally Wrongful Acts (2001).
  • 2Military and Paramilitary in and against Nicaragua, Nicaragua v. US, 1986, judgment of merits, at para. 115.
  • 3Case Concerning the Application of of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crime of Genocide, judgment.
  • 4Prosecutor v. Tadic, Trim Chamber judgment of 7 May 1997, at para. 584 -588.
  • 5Case IT-94 -1, Prosecutor v. Tadic, Appeals Chamber Judgment of 1999, I. L. M. , vol. 38, p. 1518(emphasis in origi- nal).
  • 6Prosecutor v. Tadic, Appeals Chamber Judgment.
  • 7Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Judgment of Trim Chamber, ICC -01/04 -01/06, para. 541, p. 248.
  • 8State v. Bruno, in Matthew Lippman, Criminal Law, Concepts, Cases, and Controversies, 2nd edition, SAGE publication (2010), p. 199.
  • 9Jason Healey, Beyond Attribution: Seeking National Responsibility for Cyber Attacks, p. 2, at http ://atlanticcouncil. org, visited at March 14, 2014.
  • 10Scott J. Shackeford and Richard B. Andres, State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks: Competing Standards for A Growing Problem, 42 Georgetown Journal of International Law 971 (2011 ), p. 1004.











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