全球供应链的复杂性可能让人惊叹。 余业为存在的缺陷付出了多少成本?各项质量标准怎样一层层影响产品的最终质量?有多少生产业主管能说清楚供应链管理上的事情? 存整个生产制造链条下,几乎所有企业都必须依赖一系列供货商,服务提供商米提供所需商品及服务,从而完成对顾客的承诺。这一过程从头到尾都存在很多风险和不确定性。
Complexity of global supply chains could be amazing. How much did enterprises pay for the cost of defects? How do the various layers of quality standards affect the final quality of the product? How many managers who are in charge of production management could explain the supply chain clearly?