

A Dynamic Analysis of the Build,Function and Endurance of the Students in Newly-established Universities in Fujian Province——Take Wuyi University as an Example
摘要 采用文献资料法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法对武夷学院升本来学生体质健康测试数据进行统计分析比较。研究表明:男生身高、女生体重外,各项指标有不同程度下降,女生较为显著,BMI指数趋于正常范围的后沿,耐力素质2 0 1 3年有所提高。与福建省和全国比较显示:男女BMI指数与福建省差异不显著、身高与福建省和全国差距呈缩小趋势,男女耐力素质和男生肺活量、肺活量体重指数与福建省差距呈在扩大趋势,男女体重、耐力素质和男生BMI指数与全国差异不显著,女生BMI指数和男生肺活量、肺活量体重指数均高于全国,女生肺活量、肺活量体重指数与全国差距呈扩大趋势。建议:结合校园体育文化建设加大学生体育与健康的宣传,完善和调整学校转型后的大学体育体系建设,建立科学的体质健康评价体系等措施。 On the basis of literature review, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, the paper makes an analysis of the results of the students' physical fitness test in Wuyi University since 2007. It shows that all the test figures (especially those of the female students ) are on the decline except that of the height of male students and the weight of the female students;and though within the normal range, their BMI is below the average, and only the endurance is rising after 2013. Compared with other Fujian universities and other universities in the country, there is no significant difference between its BMI (both male and female) and that of other Fujian universities; as for the height (both male and female), the gap between it and other Fujian universities and other universities in the country is narrowing; as for the endurance (both male and female), and the VC (vital capacity) and VCBMI (VC body mass index) of the male students, the gap be-tween it and other Fujian universities is widening; as for weight (both male and female),endurance (both male and female)and other figures (the male),there is no significant difference betwween its BMI and other universities in the country; while BMI ( female), and VC and VCBMI (male) are higher than those of other universities in the country; but for the female students, the gap between their VC and VCBMI and those of other Fujian universities is widening. Hence the suggestions are that sports and culture should be combined with health pro-motion and a scientific system of physical education and health assessment and measures be established to promote physical education in the university.
作者 黄章权
出处 《武夷学院学报》 2014年第2期79-84,共6页 Journal of Wuyi University
关键词 本科院校 体质健康 动态分析 newly-established universities physical health dynamic analysis
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