Using the studious method of Epoché of Phenomenology, this thesis had carried out a study of the idealogy and practice of tai-chi boxing and drew such concludions as follows: There was something in common between the usage of studies method of epoché of phenomenology to get the essence of things and the pursuit of forgetting oneselves of tai-chi boxing’s practice of pronlonging and preserv-ing ones’ lives; It was the most practical way in which tai-ji boxing adopting the method of Epoché of Phenomenology to get the essence of prolonging and preserving ones’ lives; using basic methods of western phenomenology to analyze views of body and shape and pron-longing and preserving ones’ lives can not only explane the ideas of the function of pronlonging and preserving ones’ lives of tai-ji box-ing more deeply but also have signifcance of adavancing and enriching the practice of the function of pronlonging and preserving ones’ lives of tai-ji boxing and national culture.
Journal of Wuyi University
tai-ji boxing
body and shape
pronlonging and preserving ones’ lives