
视频监控技术在电力系统中的应用 被引量:7

Application of Video Monitoring System in Power System
摘要 随着图像处理和计算机视觉技术的进一步发展,智能视频安全监控技术正逐步得到更多应用,包括在电力系统特定的异常情况检测(如限制、危险区域人体检测,人体行走轨迹分析和触电倒地检测等)。根据电力系统安全稳定的核心要求,设计并提出一套实时智能视频监控系统。该系统可自动分析视频内容以及检测场景中的异常事件。实验结果表明该系统具备实时处理能力,对人体检测和模拟触电跌倒检测成功率分别达到96%和93%。 With further development of image processing and computer visual technology,intelligent video safety monitoring technology is gradually used for more applications including in detection for specific abnormalities of power system such as detection for human bodies in restricted and dangerous areas,analysis on human body walking or electric shock and falling.According to core requirements for safety and stability of power system,this paper designs and proposes a set of realtime intelligent video monitoring system which is able to automatically analyze video contents and abnormal events in detecting scenes.Experiment result indicates that this system is provides with real-time processing ability which is able to realize successful detection rate of 96% and 93% respectively concerning with human body detection and simulating electric shock and falling.
出处 《广东电力》 2014年第4期57-60,共4页 Guangdong Electric Power
关键词 智能安全监控 图像处理 行为分析 实时处理 intelligent safety monitoring image processing action analysis real-time processing
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