目的分析皇岗旅检口岸核与辐射监测处置工作现状,探讨如何有效进行监测工作。方法通过分析2011年4月至2013年3月皇岗旅检口岸核与辐射有害因子监测阳性案例和处置情况,探讨旅检口岸核与辐射有害因子监测处置工作现状与对策建议。结果 2011年4月至2013年3月皇岗旅检口岸共检出核辐射超标239例,其中接受放射性治疗的人员放射性超标235例,旅客携带物超标4例。结论皇岗口岸应进一步加强核与辐射监测工作,防控口岸核辐射突发事件的发生。
Objective This article intends to analyze the current working conditions of monitoring and disposing nuclear and radiation at port, and explores how to monitor nuclear and radiation efficiently. Methods The monitoring results and disposal cases of nuclear and radiation at Huanggang Port from April 2011 to March 2013 are analyzed, and the current working conditions of nuclear and radiation monitoring and disposal and the countermeasures are explored. Results A total of 239 cases of nucleus superscalar are found at Huanggang Port during April 2011 to March 2013, in which 235 are related to/people who have received radiotherapy and 4 cases are related to belongings. Conclusion The results show that nuclear and radiation monitoring needs to be improved as to prevent emergency of nuclear and radiation at Huanggang Port.
Port Health Control
Nuclear and radiation monitoring disposal