目的研究疟疾防控行为干预在降低疟疾发病率中的作用,为有效预防疟疾感染提供参考。方法对两组(一组简单预防措施,另一组实施带有一定强制性综合预防措施)在非洲疟疾高流行国家工作的劳务人员疟疾感染情况进行统计学分析。结果简单预防措施组平均自然感染率高达43.9%;实行综合预防措施组平均感染率为11.7%。把两组感染率进行卡方检验,有统计学意义(χ2=101.5041 P<0.05)。结论综合实施预防措施可明显降低在非洲疟疾高流行国家工作的劳务人员疟疾感染率,进而减少我国输入性疟疾病例。对降低输入性疟疾在我国二代传播的风险有重要意义。
Objective This article explores the effect of behavior intervention of Malaria prevention and control in inducing malaria incidence and provides a basis for Malaria prevention and control. Methods Chinese labors who are working in African countries with high malaria epidemic are selected for the study. They are randomly divided into two groups. One is with behavior intervention of Malaria prevention and control, and the other without the intervention. Their malaria infectious rates are investigated and compared. Results The labors with the intervention has a lower malaria infectious rate than the labors without the intervention. Conclusion The behavior intervention of Malaria prevention and control is effective to reduce malaria infectious rate, and then further reduce imported malaria in our country. Thus it is very important to lessen the transmission risk of malaria in our country because of imported malaria.
Port Health Control
Chinese labors malaria infectious rates behavior intervention