目的比较含无菌生理盐水预充式导管冲洗器和常规肝素稀释液两种不同方法行留置针封管的效果。方法我科2012年11月至2013年1月住院使用留置针的310例患者按照随机数字表法分成A、B两组,分别使用常规的肝素稀释液和含无菌生理盐水预充式导管冲洗器进行留置针冲管、封管维护,比较两组患者留置针留置时间、堵管发生率、封管时间。结果 B组封管时间显著短于A组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),两组留置针留置时间、堵管率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论预充式导管冲洗器通过规范的使用管理,能达到较好的留置针维护作用,同时节约人力成本,避免了肝素液行留置针封管引起的不良反应。
Objective To compare the effects of posiflush and heparin on sealing tube of detaining needle .Methods 310 pa-tients in the department of dermatology from November 2012 to January 2013 were randomly divided into group A and group B .Posi-Flush or heparin fluid was applied to the group A or group B .The time of indwelling ,the incidence of blocking pipe and the time of seal up the tubes were compared between the two groups .Results No significant difference in the incidence rate of blocking pipe was found between the two groups .The time of indwelling between the two groups also was no significantly different .However , the time of tube sealing in the group A was significantly higher than that in the group B ( P〈0.05 ) .Conclusion Taken together ,our data suggest that the application of PosiFlush with standard management can achieve satisfactory detaining needle maintenance .Moreover ,it can save the manpower cost and avoid the side effects of heparin fluid .
Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine