英美刑法中的被迫行为不应与我国刑法中胁从犯相提并论 ,胁从犯已将被迫行为排除在外 ,在被迫行为场合下 ,行为人并未失去意志自由 ,只是受到一定的抑制 ,被迫行为不应与不可抗力混同。被迫行为对于中国刑法来说 ,并不陌生 ,它是中国刑法中紧急避险的题中之义 ,故而不存在借鉴与移植问题。
Duress in the criminal law of England and US should be distinguished from the coerced accomplice.Duress has been excluded from the coerced accomplice.And on the occasion of duress,actor doesn't lose the control of his conscienceness and is only retrained to a certain degree.Duress should never be confused with the irresistible force.Basing on analyzing the differences of these conceptions,the article makes a conclusion that duress is not strange to the criminal law of China and it is essential part of the conception of necessity.Therefore,there is no need to transplant the theory of duress.
Journal of National Prosecutors College