认定案件事实必须根据合法、真实的证据 ,如果证据不合法或不真实 ,不仅无助于查明案情 ,反而容易误导司法机关 ,甚至导致冤假错案。证人证言是证据的一种 ,在诸种法定证据种类中受主客观因素的影响较大 ,实践中伪证现象的发生并非罕见。为了保证被采纳的证言合法有效、真实可采 ,在法庭上如何质询证人证言以揭示其不实未尽不合法之处就成为一个值得探讨的课题。
The ascertainment of facts in legal cases must be based on lawful and genuine evidences. Testimony of witness, as one of legal evidences, is greatly influenced by subjective and objective factors. In this article, the author makes a preliminary research on how to inquire testimony of witness at court, in order to insure the admissibility and authenticity of evidences.
Journal of National Prosecutors College