目的利用红外光谱法结合主成分分析法建立药桑的指纹图谱,并对不同产地药桑的红外图谱进行模式识别。方法采用傅里叶红外光谱法(FTIR)绘制不同产地药桑果实及桑叶、桑枝的红外指纹谱图,应用主成分分析法进行模式识别分析。结果通过分析多个产地药桑以及桑叶、桑枝的红外指纹图谱,发现不同产地样品的红外光谱基本一致,有个别特征峰的相对吸收强度有所变化,指纹区小峰的微小差异,其主要化学物质在红外光谱吸收峰中的峰强和出峰位置上都很相似。结合主成分分析法,分布地不同会造成药桑在化学组成上存在着差异,即地理位置对药材质量是有影响的,只有采取对其复杂化学组分进行全面综合的评价方法,才能保障药桑产品质量的一致性,有效区分不同产地药桑。结论 FTIR法结合主成分分析可以区分不同地区的药桑果实及枝、叶,能为药桑的品质评价提供依据。
Objective To establish and compare the fingerprints of Morus nigra Linn from different produ-cing areas by FTIR and by principal component analysis.Methods Infrared spectrometry and principal component analysis were used in this study.Results We analyzed the IR fingerprints of Morus nigra Linn from different areas and found that there were some differences in chemical component and the differences were caused by their geographical origins.The FTIR fingerprint and PCA analysis can be used to determine the consistency of the quality of Morus nigra Linn (mulberry)and their producing origins.Conclusion The FTIR fingerprint and PCA analysis could be used for separating and evaluating the quality of Morus nigra Linn (mulberry)from different producing areas.
Journal of Xinjiang Medical University